Friday, October 18, 2002

Geometry and Grammar

(originally posted at

what is it that makes me want to create geometric patterns out of the blog calendar to the right?

dave's going to help me coordinate the sale of the spare pc's we've got laying or lying around.  why have i never been able to remember that rule of grammar?
Lay and lie are most easily distinguished by usage.  Lay is a transitive verb and takes a direct object.  Lay and its principal parts (laid, laying) are correctly used in the following examples: He laid (not lay) the newspaper on the table.  The table was laid for four.  Lie is an intransitive verb and cannot take an object.  Lie and its principal parts (lay, lain, lying) are correctly used in the following examples: She often lies (not lays) down after lunch.  When I lay (not laid) down, I fell asleep.  The rubbish had lain (not laid) there a week.  I was lying (not laying) in bed when he called.  There are a few exceptions to these rules.  The phrasal verb lay for and the nautical use of lay, as in lay at anchor, though intransitive, are standard.

Oh.  Lay.  Ok.

Last night was difficult.  Jenelle had a rough trip to San Diego.  Mr. Perfect seems perfect no longer, and she won't be seeing him again.  She seems to lack the mental flexibility that would allow her to see around these obstacles in life, and expose the bullshit for what it is.  She worries about things she "shouldn't" - whatever those are.  It's difficult to see a friend in pain.

Unless you're the cause of that pain, I suppose.  Then I guess it's fun.  I dunno.  People are selfish and cruel.  Or maybe I'm just seeing my own worst qualities in others.

Enough psycho-babble for one day.  I'm off to get my new iMac soon...

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